Journal Description

Jurnal Flight Attendant Kedirgantaraan diterbitkan untuk mengembangkan kajian di bidang pelayanan di industri kedirgantaraan. Jurnal Flight Attendant Kedirgantaraan juga berusaha mengembangkan penelitian di bidang pariwisata dan pelayanan pada umumnya yang mendukung industri bisnis maskapai penerbangan.

Journal’s editors welcome writers, either academician or practician in related studies to share their thought and idea. The editors also able to summarize or edit the work without changing the substancies. The manuscripts sent to the editor must be the original and not consider to be published by other journals. Every manuscript sent will be reviewed by editorial board using blind-review system. Jurnal Flight Attendant publishes fully open access journals, which means that all articles are available on the internet to all users immediately upon publication. 



Vol 6 No 1 (2024): Jurnal Flight Attendant Kedirgantaraan

Published: Jul 31, 2024

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