Teknika STTKD: Jurnal Teknik, Elektronik, Engine 2024-06-23T15:06:09+07:00 Dhiani Dyahjatmayanti, S.TP., M.B.A. Open Journal Systems <p>Teknika STTKD: Jurnal Teknik, Elektronik, Engine diterbitkan untuk mengembangkan kajian di bidang teknik kedirgantaraan, baik teknik pesawat terbang maupun bidang teknik yang lain seperti elektronika dan permesinan yang mendukung industri pesawat terbang. Teknika STTKD: Jurnal Teknik, Elektronik, Engine akan mempublikasikan artikel-artikel-artikel kajian teoritis maupun empiris yang berkaitan dengan masalah-masalah yang berhubungan dengan elektronika, mesin dan industri pesawat terbang.</p> PEMANFAATAN LARGE LANGUAGE MODELS CHATGPT-4 UNTUK KONTROL DRONE: STUDI KASUS DJI TELLO 2024-03-15T08:58:51+07:00 Edi Sofyan <p><em>This study explores the potential of using ChatGPT-4, a Large Language Model (LLM) from OpenAI, for creating flight trajectories for drones. The primary focus is on the DJI Tello drone, which is controlled through Python code to execute various flying commands. Unlike traditional approaches that involve direct programming in Python, this research utilizes ChatGPT-4 to automatically generate Python computer programs capable of instructing the drone. Results indicate ChatGPT-4's intriguing capability to produce the necessary code for flying the drone according to given commands. This suggests that LLMs like ChatGPT-4 can be employed to determine drone flight trajectories using human language, facilitating ease of use compared to traditional computer programming languages. </em></p> 2024-03-14T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Teknika STTKD: Jurnal Teknik, Elektronik, Engine PENGARUH VARIASI SUHU SINTERING ALUMUNIUM MATRIK YANG DIPERKUAT KARBON NANOTUBE TERHADAP NILAI KEKERASAN 2024-03-14T14:17:22+07:00 Irvan Chandra Kabiyanto Dhimas Wicaksono Ferry Setiawan <p><em>This study examines the effect of sintering temperature variations on density values and Vickers hardness values on Aluminum Carbon Nanotubes. Tests were conducted using five temperature variations, namely sintering 400°C, 500°C, 600°C, 700°C, and unsintered. The results showed that the 400°C sintering temperature variation produced higher hardness values than the 500°C, 600°C, 700°C, and unsintered sintering temperature variations. AlCNT specimens at a sintering temperature of 400°C have an average hardness value of 46.92 VHN, while at a sintering temperature of 500°C have an average hardness value of 30.48 VHN, while at a sintering temperature of 600°C have an average hardness value of 29.04 VHN, while at a sintering temperature of 700°C have an average hardness value of 26.17 VHN, while at a sintering temperature of 0°C have an average hardness value of 39.79 VHN. Therefore, it is found that the best sintering temperature variation for AlCNT specimens is 400°C for the application of sintering to aluminum carbon nanotubes. In addition, this research can be a reference for further researchers in developing manufacturing methods and characterization of aluminum reinforced with carbon nanotubes to obtain optimal</em><em> results.</em></p> 2024-03-14T11:23:12+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Teknika STTKD: Jurnal Teknik, Elektronik, Engine PENGUJIAN KEAUSAN ALUMUNIUM MATRIX KOMPOSIT DIPERKUAT DENGAN KARBON NANOTUBE 2024-03-15T09:01:18+07:00 Eriko Bakti Perkasa Dhimas Wicaksono Ferry Setiawan <p><em>Wear testing of engineering materials is an important aspect in evaluating their performance and durability. This study aims to investigate the wear-resistant ability of aluminum composites reinforced with carbon nanotubes (CNTs). The composite manufacturing process was carried out by infiltrating CNTs into the aluminum matrix through powder metallurgy method. Tests were conducted using two methods, namely pressing and sintering with temperature variations of 0<sup>o</sup>C (non sintering), 400<sup>o</sup>C, 500<sup>o</sup>C, 600<sup>o</sup>C and 700<sup>o</sup>C. The results showed that the specific wear value on the specimen obtained the best value at a sintering temperature of 400<sup>o</sup>C with a value of 0.003632850 mm<sup>3</sup>/kg.m and the highest value at a sintering temperature of 700<sup>o</sup>C with a value of 0.042771207 mm<sup>3</sup>/kg.m. And the wear rate on the specimen obtained the best value at a sintering temperature of 400<sup>o</sup>C with a value of 0.447887285 mm<sup>3</sup>/s and the highest value at a sintering temperature of 700<sup>o</sup>C with a value of 1.155387594 mm<sup>3</sup>/s. This shows that the addition of temperatures greater than 400<sup>o</sup>C has a major influence on the specific wear value and wear rate of sintering products. In addition, this method is also a reference for further researchers in developing aluminum carbon nanotube technology to obtain optimal results.</em></p> 2024-03-14T11:44:46+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Teknika STTKD: Jurnal Teknik, Elektronik, Engine ANALISA PERFORMA HEAT EXCHANGER DENGAN PENAMBAHAN VORTEX GENERATOR TIPE WIRECOIL GUNA MENCEGAH ICING PADA KARBURATOR 2024-03-28T11:46:26+07:00 imama - Gaguk Marausna Ikbal Riski Putra <p><em>This study aims to evaluate the influence of vortex wirecoil generators with different pitch variations on heat transfer coefficients, pressure drop, and heat exchanger effectiveness. The method involves experiments with a prototype heat exchanger simulation utilizing exhaust gas from a genset engine to address carburetor freezing issues in aircraft with piston engines, with a parallel flow configuration. The solution proposed involves using vortex generators and shell-and-tube heat exchangers. Shell and tube heat exchangers aim to improve heat exchange efficiency because the fluid flow in the pipes bends, creating significant secondary flow and enhancing heat transfer. This study involves various tools and components, including steel wire as the vortex wirecoil generator with size variations of 1.5, 2.5, and 3.5 cm. Other components consist of galvanized iron cells and copper tubes, as per the research plan. The research results indicate that pitch variations of wirecoil inserts in concentric pipes create turbulent flow that maximizes heat transfer to the air inside the cell. The 3.5 cm wirecoil yields the highest heat transfer coefficient U0 with an average value of 10.4. Additionally, adding variations of vortex wirecoil generators in concentric pipes increases the heat release from the hot fluid in the exhaust gas, enhancing heat exchanger effectiveness. The best effectiveness performance is achieved with a 2.5 cm wirecoil with an average value of 70.09.However, adding pitch variations of wirecoil inserts also disrupts the flow, changing it from laminar to turbulent, with the highest pressure drop occurring with the 3.5 cm wirecoil, with an average value of 17.89 Pa. These findings provide insights into improving efficiency and altering flow in heat exchangers through vortex wirecoil generator variations. </em></p> 2024-03-15T08:46:34+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Teknika STTKD: Jurnal Teknik, Elektronik, Engine MANUFAKTUR UAV FIXED WING MENGGUNAKAN MATERIAL STYROFOAM DENGAN METODE LAY-UP (PELAPISAN) FIBERGLASS DAN RESIN 2024-03-17T14:17:34+07:00 Aprilia Tri Kartini Erwhin Irmawan Ferry Setiawan <p><em>This research discusses the development of a manufacturing process for a fixed wing-based UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) using Styrofoam material as the structural core. The manufacturing method applied is lay-up of fiberglass and resin to improve the strength and aerodynamic performance of the UAV. This research aims to evaluate the potential of styrofoam material enhanced by such lay-up technique. The research method involves the steps of applying fiberglass and resin lay-up on Styrofoam structure. The results of the Fixed Wing UAV Manufacturing research using Styrofoam material with fiberglass resin lay-up method, the aircraft structure becomes lighter and stronger with the overall resulting load reaching 2750 Gram or 2.75 kg. The results showed that the application of the lay-up method significantly improved the structural strength of the UAV, while the use of fiberglass and resin materials made a positive contribution to its aerodynamic performance. The invention has the potential to improve the efficiency and durability of UAVs in monitoring and surveillance applications. By presenting alternative materials and manufacturing methods, this research can contribute to the development of more reliable and effective UAV.</em></p> 2024-03-16T23:09:43+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Teknika STTKD: Jurnal Teknik, Elektronik, Engine PENGEMBANGAN KOMPOSIT SERAT SABUT KELAPA SEBAGAI BAHAN PEMBUATAN RANGKA SURVEILLANCE DRONE 2024-03-28T14:22:53+07:00 Muhammad Ikhsan Indra Permana Riza Arif Pratama Sahid Bayu Setiajit <p><em>Coconut fiber is an alternative material to replace metal. Coconut fiber was chosen because it is easy and widely found in Indonesia and is easily decomposed naturally. Even though its strength is much lower than metal, coconut fiber can be used to make objects that do not require a lot of strength, one of which is drones. In this research, coconut fiber composites were made and tensile tested to determine their strength for use as a frame for small surveillance drones. The composite is made by mixing coconut fiber mat (as fiber) and Unsaturated Polyester (as resin) using the hand lay-up method. Coconut fiber composites are tested according to ASTM D-638 standards. Based on the tensile test results in this research, it was found that the coconut fiber composite had a tensile strength of 18 MPa. Then this number is used as a benchmark in determining the size of the surveillance drone frame to be designed. Based on the results of the calculations carried out, it was found that the thickness required for a drone frame made from coconut fiber is 4 mm</em></p> 2024-03-28T10:56:08+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Teknika STTKD: Jurnal Teknik, Elektronik, Engine ANALISA AIRFOIL DENGAN METODE CFD MENGGUNAKAN ANSYS STUDENT 2024 2024-04-18T14:38:28+07:00 Dwi Widyanto <p><em>Penelitian ini fokus pada analisis airfoil dengan</em> <em>metode Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) menggunakan Ansys Student 2024. Model penelitian ini meniru model aliran dalam terowongan angin untuk menentukan parameter-parameter dari sebuah airfoil pada beberapa macam sudut serang, dan menggunakan situs untuk memperoleh data geometri airfoil yang diperlukan. CFD mampu menangani efek seperti kompresibilitas, viskositas, turbulensi, dan pertukaran panas tapi dalam penelitian ini dibatasi pada aliran yang non kompresibel tapi mengandung viskositas.</em></p> <p><em>Proses pembuatan batas interior/airfoil melibatkan pemindahan data dari kedalam Spaceclaim, sebuah modul dari Ansys Student 2024. Distribusi mata jaring (mesh) ditentukan menggunakan strategi ukuran berjenjang, yaitu ukuran dasar semua domain, diperkecil lagi dengan menggunakan sphere of influence rangkap dua, dan diperhalus lagi dengan Inflasi mesh pada permukaan airfoil.</em></p> <p><em>Penelitian ini membahas hasil analisa&nbsp; CFD menggunakan Ansys Student 2024 dan perbandingannya dengan data lain serta interpretasinya terhadap aliran dalam dunia nyata.</em></p> 2024-04-18T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Teknika STTKD: Jurnal Teknik, Elektronik, Engine INVESTIGASI EFEKTIVITAS HEAT EXCHANGER STRAIGHT TUBE DOUBLE V-CUT TWIST TAPE INSERT MEMANFAATKAN GAS BUANG MENGATASI ICING KARBURATOR PISTON ENGINE 2024-04-27T14:43:33+07:00 Khafidien Nur Fauzan <p><em>A piston engine is a type of engine that uses a piston mechanism as its main component. How this engine works involves burning fuel such as hydrocarbon or hydrogen compounds to push the piston. One of the important components in a piston engine is the carburetor, which is responsible for regulating the air and fuel ratio, controlling engine performance, as well as mixing fuel and air to form a mixture that can burn into mechanical energy. Aircraft equipped with piston engines can reach a flight altitude of up to 12,000 feet or around 3657.6 meters.</em> <em>The research conducted employs a simple experimental method process with the construction of a prototype and a heat exchanger simulation that utilizes exhaust gas from a genset engine to prevent carburetor freezing in the piston engine. One of the analyzed components is the vortex generator with a special configuration, namely the Double V-Cut Twist Tape Insert.</em> <em>The results of the research show that changing or increasing the shape of the vortex generator, inside a straight pipe, can produce turbulent air flow and increase heat transfer to a cooler medium, in this case the air inside the shell, while maximizing the heat transfer from the temperature fluid. high in exhaust gases. In contrast to these conditions, maximum heat absorption occurs in the low temperature fluid inside the shell. From this research it is concluded that modifications to the vortex generator, especially with the use of Double V-Cut Twist Tape Insert, can influence the overall heat transfer coefficient (Uo) by 0% at Twist 3, 4% at Twist 4, and 23% at Twist 5. There is a pressure drop (∆P) of 0% on Twist 3, -22.0% on Twist 4, and 21% on Twist 5, and the effectiveness (ε) of the heat exchanger on Twist 3 is 0.0%, Twist 4 is - 0.9%, and Twist 5 at -5.9%.</em></p> 2024-04-26T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Teknika STTKD: Jurnal Teknik, Elektronik, Engine ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL STRENGTH IN THE MORPHING WING OF A UAV IMAGING A CESSNA 172 AIRCRAFT 2024-05-07T14:48:48+07:00 Aulia Rakan Adelwin Gaguk Marausna Ikbal Rizki Putra <p><em>Nowadays, UAVs are widely used in various sectors including military, agricultural, social and other fields. There are two types of UAV control, the first uses remote control or remote control and the second the aircraft is flown independently or on autopilot. The results of the MBKM research at the Yogyakarta College of Aerospace Technology campus in 2022 resulted in several shortcomings, including having a heavier mass than a UAV wing made from balsa wood with a weight difference of 874 grams and another problem, namely that the wing's straight geometric shape will cause more resistance. so big that it needs to be changed to a morphing wing. Based on the shape of the wing and the problems, the researchers tried to correct these deficiencies by forming a new geometry. The design of this research uses CFD and FEA methods to determine deformation and pressure values. With research results</em><em>.</em></p> <p><em>Pressure distribution on the wing surface using CFD simulation displays contour velocity and contour pressure. For contour pressure, use a velocity of 21 m/s, 22 m/s, 23 m/s, 24 m/s, 25 m/s which flows through the front of the airfoil. At a speed of 21 m/s the maximum value is 26.89 m/s, then if the speed increases then the maximum value will also increase. At a speed of 25 m/s the maximum value is 32.03 m/s.</em></p> <p><em>At a speed of 21 m/s the maximum value of deformation is 0.33164 mm, at a speed of 22 m/s the maximum value of deformation is 0.3515 mm, at a speed of 23 m/s the maximum value of deformation is 0.37107 mm, at a speed of 24 m/s the maximum value of deformation is 0.55469 mm, and at a speed of 25 m/s the maximum value of deformation is 0.56883 mm.</em></p> 2024-05-07T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Teknika STTKD: Jurnal Teknik, Elektronik, Engine ANALISA TERJADINYA HILANG TARGET MSSR MODE-S AIRNAV PADANG PADA ATC SYSTEM AIRNAV CABANG PEKANBARU 2024-05-15T14:51:18+07:00 Faris Muhammad Fahrezi Muhammad Arif Sulaiman Toni <p><em>Surveillance support equipment plays a crucial role in aviation safety, where data must be consistently distributed without interruption. One of the most essential surveillance support tools in aviation today is radar. Radar is a device used to detect and measure distances, crucial for air traffic controllers in managing aircraft movements. AirNav's Padang branch itself utilizes an Indra radar surveillance support tool, where the radar data from Padang is transmitted and utilized by AirNav's Pekanbaru branch for observing the APP sector. This research will analyze the causes of aircraft target loss in the AirNav Pekanbaru ATC System. After examination and analysis, it was found that there was a disruption in the data transmission flow from Padang to Pekanbaru due to a malfunction in the connecting device (switch).</em></p> 2024-05-14T16:26:53+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Teknika STTKD: Jurnal Teknik, Elektronik, Engine ANALYSIS OF TRANSMISSION FAILURE ON RCU T6M PAE AS BACKUP RADIO APP PRIMARY 120.8 MHZ 2024-05-24T14:55:10+07:00 Wahyu Wira Bhaskara M. Arif Sulaiman Eriyandi Meily Carolina Fadila <p><em>Indonesia is an archipelagic country consisting of a group of large and small islands. Therefore, air transportation is needed to support good economic growth. Air transportation services must be balanced with good flight navigation services. The Indonesian government established Airnav Indonesia as an aviation navigation service agency in Indonesia. All aviation navigation and communication services in Indonesia are served by Airnav Indonesia. When communicating in the world of aviation, of course you must have facilities that support aviation communications. Aviation communication equipment facilities have an important role in assisting air traffic controllers in providing flight services. The author found damage to the T6M RCU which was used as a backup for the Primary VHF OTE APP radio. During inspection, it was discovered that the T6M RCU was unable to transmit. After analyzing the problem, the author takes corrective steps. Flight communications equipment must always be in normal condition to support flight navigation services</em></p> 2024-05-24T14:10:02+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Teknika STTKD: Jurnal Teknik, Elektronik, Engine ANALISIS PENURUNAN JANGKAUAN PANCARAN T-DME (TERMINAL-DISTANCE MEASURING EQUIPMENT) MERK NEC NNG-1796A DI BANDARA INTERNASIONAL MINANGKABAU 2024-05-27T14:56:57+07:00 Erlina Dwi Santhika Satria Ningrum Satria Ningrum Dian Anggraini Purwaningtyas Toni <p><em>Terminal Distance Measuring Equipment (T-DME) is a type of aviation navigation equipment that helps pilots provide distance information to landing location points. This T-DME is usually installed side by side with the Landing System Instrument equipment, namely Glide-Path, in this case the T-DME has the function of providing distance information, especially to the Glide Path ground station when carrying out aircraft landing procedures. To ensure that the T-DME equipment is in normal operating condition, calibration activities need to be carried out so that the T-DME equipment remains in accordance with the provisions and parameters. In this research, a problem was found with the T-DME where the beam range was reduced during the calibration process. The method that will be used in this research is a qualitative method to support the data needed in cases of problems that occur. The author analyzes the problems in this research with stages that can help resolve related problems with the aim of ensuring that the T-DME equipment can operate normally and restore the beam range of this T-DME equipment for use in the aircraft flight process safely and appropriately. </em></p> 2024-05-27T14:39:26+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Teknika STTKD: Jurnal Teknik, Elektronik, Engine ANALISIS KERUSAKAN MODUL POWER SUPPLY UNIT (PSU) PADA PERALATAN RECEIVER VHF-ER SECONDARY FREKUENSI 134.75 MHz DI PERUM LPPNPI CABANG PALEMBANG 2024-06-07T15:00:44+07:00 Nyoman Artadarma Dian Anggraini Sabdo Purnomo <p><em>Communication equipment is the main part that supports smooth flight operations. Perum LPPNPI Palembang Branch as the provider of civil aviation navigation services in Indonesian airspace uses Very High Frequency (VHF) Extended Range (ER) receiver equipment which functions as a communication bridge between Pilots and ATC in long-range airspace. This research aims to analyze damage to the Power Supply Unit (PSU) module found in the VHF-ER Secondary receiver equipment. This module has a role as a rectifier from AC current to DC current and is very vital in keeping equipment running. This study was carried out using technical analysis methods and functional tests to identify sources of damage and evaluate the performance of the PSU module. The results of this research can be a guide for repair and maintenance of other damage.</em></p> 2024-06-06T17:13:58+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Teknika STTKD: Jurnal Teknik, Elektronik, Engine HANDLING TELEPHONE SOUND WEAKENING ON FREQUENTIS VCS 3020X VSCS EQUIPMENT 2024-06-07T15:01:06+07:00 Naufal Achmad Muhammad Arif Sulaiman Eriyandi Eriyandi <p><em>Flight navigation personnel, who possess appropriate licenses or competency certificates, have responsibilities and are directly involved in the operation and maintenance of air traffic telecommunication facilities. One of the telecommunication equipment used at the location of Perum Lembaga Penyelenggara Pelayanan Navigasi Penerbangan Indonesia (LPPNPI) Branch Kupang, namely the Voice Switching Communication System (VSCS), encountered an issue where there was a degradation in the VSCS communication system. This issue resulted in difficulties coordinating with the local Air Traffic Controller (ATC) at the destination airport.In this research, the author employed qualitative and descriptive research methods, including interviews, to collect data for analysis through device checks, fault analysis, and equipment repairs. The problem arose from identified weaknesses in the audio output entering the Voice Switching Communication System (VSCS). Therefore, a voltage check was conducted on the SLI Primary communication line, specifically on the Main Distribution Frame (MDF) Main and MDF VSCS panels, revealing a normal voltage of 48 volts. With all SLI Primary lines showing normal voltage, the next step involved adjusting the Voice Switching Communication System (VSCS) server through the Technical Monitoring and Control System (TMCS) software. In the Call Detection VOX Level section, the initial value, which was -24dB, was increased to -15dB to ensure clear audio quality. </em></p> 2024-06-06T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Teknika STTKD: Jurnal Teknik, Elektronik, Engine DESAIN ANTENA MONOPOLE WIDEBAND UNTUK PERALATAN VHF A/G 2024-06-23T15:06:09+07:00 Aryo Tegsadama Tegsadama Muh Wildan Johan Wahyudi <p><em>VHF-A/G is a radio communication device operating in the frequency range of 117.975 MHz - 137 MHz. This device is utilized as a means of communication between Air Traffic Control officers at an Air Traffic Service (ATS) unit and pilots in aircraft. The VHF-A/G equipment is required to be placed inside the Control Tower, with the VHF-A/G antenna mandated to be positioned atop the Control Tower. Typically, antennas used are narrowband antennas, effective only in receiving or transmitting signals within specific frequencies. If one wishes to use such an antenna on other frequencies, adjustments (matching) are required. Hence, the author has conceptualized designing an antenna capable of operating across various frequencies within the VHF A/G frequency range. In the design process, electromagnetic simulations using CST Studio 2021 allow for in-depth analysis of antenna characteristics, including impedance, radiation efficiency, and radiation patterns. It is hoped that simulation results demonstrate that the resulting antenna can achieve performance meeting VHF A/G requirements, producing consistent radiation patterns and high efficiency across the targeted frequency range.</em></p> 2024-06-22T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Teknika STTKD: Jurnal Teknik, Elektronik, Engine RANCANG BANGUN SUCTION PUMP DENGAN 2 TABUNG DAN PENGATURAN TEKANAN BERBASIS PWM ARDUINO 2024-06-23T15:05:51+07:00 Patrisius Kusi Olla Bayu Wahyudi Diah Rahayu Ningtias <p><em>Suction is used in the medical field to take or drain fluids out of the body. Professional use of suction can be used to remove or reduce blood in the operated area to allow the surgeon to see and work on that area. Suction is also used to remove blood that is already in the skull after intracranial bleeding. Most of the suction devices used still have a simple appearance or still have a manometer, which means that the suction pressure on the suction cannot be adjusted automatically. Therefore, the aim of this research is to design a suction pump with motor speed using PWM (Pulse Width Modulation). The method for making this tool uses an Atmega328 microcontroller as a controller, an LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) as a display of pump suction speed and suction pressure, an MPX5500DP sensor as a suction pressure reader. To control the suction speed, the L298N motor driver uses a PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) signal with a maximum result of -178 mmHg. Testing was carried out at vacuum pressure using a DPM (Digital Pressure Meter), apart from that testing was also carried out on the circuit working system. Circuit testing is needed to find out the working principle of the circuit and the tools being made. After testing and measuring the tool, the error percentage was 0.86% for the smallest result. Meanwhile, the largest error percentage is 8.5%. The allowable correction value for the suction pump pressure parameter is ± 10% of the maximum scale of the tool setting point. So from the results of this analysis the tool is suitable for use because it is still within safe tolerance limits.</em></p> 2024-06-22T21:38:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Teknika STTKD: Jurnal Teknik, Elektronik, Engine